Dettaglio Ambiente

For us an healthy environment is not a detail

Our simple but qualified system combined with steam service guarantees to every customer the maximum satisfaction. We aim to the loyalization of our customers offering results that live up to their hype.


Our company

DettaglioAmbiente is the division of IM.EX. serve SRL, company founded in 2000 and certificated ISO 9001. DettaglioAmbiente provides specific equipment, training courses, cleaning services and steam sanitization with the use of specific biodegradable products no-allergenic.

DettaglioAmbiente wants to be recognized as the landmark for the ecological steam cleaning.

That’s a new environmentally sustainable cleaning concept, which is revolutionary for all the cleaning companies because it can be used on any kind of surface and in any kind of environment: civil or industrial. The purpose is to reach the best results with the less waste of water and without the use of chemical and aggressive products.

To know more about IM.EX. serve SRL visit this link

We sanitize the environment using the Ozone treatment

An innovative and ecological system

We sanitize different surfaces ...


Our mattress cleaning service provides the use of dry saturated steam so that the cleaning goes deeper in the surface we are working on, removing all the dirty that can cause allergies.


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Forget everything else, from now on exists only DettaglioAmbiente. With its services directly at your house and with its latest generation equipment, DettaglioAmbiente guarantees surprising results on every kind of fabric and leather thanks to the steam power and to the ecological products.


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DettaglioAmbiente guarantees you a well vacuumed, cleaned and sanitized carpet thanks to home services and latest generation equipment that use steam and ecological products.


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With a detailed cleaning of you air-condition, you will reduce the dysfunctions and the dangers for your health . Moreover the system will last longer and it will work better.

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Do you want to know more?

Ask for more informations or make an appointment with us.