

Nowadays is common to have in our office or in our houses an air-conditioning. The same happens in public spaces (bar, restaurants, Medical Studios…). It is easy to understand that we can’t do without it with the high temperature of this summers.

Did you ever ask yourself if you air-conditioning at home or in your office is working well? The answer determines the quality of your life.

Unlikely the few time that we have and all our duties bring us to clean our air-condition with a simple appliance. Many of us will clean only the refiner thinking that is enough… but reading this article you will change your opinion.

Some scientific exams showed that its bad care cause illnesses and risks for our health. The deposit of water and the humidity cause the birth of bacterias and mildews that provoke bad smells in the air when we turn the air-condition on.

If you love yourself first you need to take care of it too. This will save your health and will guarantee to your air-condition a longer life and the best performance.

Thanks to Detttaglioauto’s steam technique ( They melt the bacterias on the batteries and then they remove it vacuuming them)  and his biodegradable products you will be able to sanitize your air-condition in the best way respecting the environment.

Thanks to our simple technical intervention made by our qualified membership, you will have back a cleaned and sanitized air-condition.



A complete service to satisfy all the customers requests. We give a simple but efficient solution, which thanks to our experience, will solve all the problems that the customers will present. We guarantee an efficient service post selling with the continuous availability of spare parts, because for us the private customer is always our priority of satisfaction.

Prfessionists in the field

The professionists in this field know exactly which are the priorities of every day. We give them the right equipment to face the Problem-Solving in an easy and qualified way, using last generation equipment and specific formation courses. A technical service always available and a service post-selling worth of our name.



The solution studied to ease our supplying system and to be closer to our Professionists or final customers. We guarantee you efficient solutions and the availability of our products.